Thursday, June 30, 2011

Washcloth Craft and the Fabric Called Terrycloth

TerryGami, 15 Cloth Toy and Ornament Projects for Crafters, Teachers, and Children
The book is available at:


Welcome to washcloth crafts!

TerryGami washcloth crafts is one of my “WIGs” or “wildly improbable goals" Martha Beck talks about in her book “Finding Your Own North Star.”  I know there are people like me who have wanted to see a craft organized around using washcloths similar to the little Boo Boo Bunny.  I hope TerryGami will live up to their expectations.

Yesterday, I realized something when vetting some of the critters with some 12 and 13 year old girls.  They didn’t know that washcloths are made from a fabric called terrycloth.  It never occurred to me that they wouldn’t know that because it seems as though terrycloth has been around forever. 

As far as terrycloth goes,  I will have to do additional research one day to verify this information, or please feel free to chime in on this version of the story.  From what I can gather on the web, terrycloth has at least been around since the middle of the 1800s.  The material and weaving technique was invented in France.  The French used silk to weave this new, looped fabric.  Later, Englishmen made the material, first from worsted (a wool yarn), and then later from cotton.  The Englishman Samuel Holt brought it to the United States, patented the looped weaving technique, and later sold it to a cotton manufacturer.  The loops in the fabric make it very water absorbent.  This is why washcloths and towels are made from this material.

One thing I can tell you about learning to sew on terrycloth is that, if you match the thread to the washcloth, you can barely see the stitches.  Kids just learning to sew can get great results their first time sewing.  Also, with the easier items, they don’t have to worry about cutting out a pattern of any kind; the critters are shaped and rolled from washcloths, and then sewn together.

Some of the new TerryGami items will involve a little more sewing, which will be good practice, but I would suggest to always start with the easier critters first.  I would also recommend that the instructor or parent have the children take a minute to read through the entire set of instructions first, asking them to match the words to the illustrations, as they go. If the children are young, read through the instructions with them.  This way they get the whole concept of how to put the critter together, so when they start to assemble it, they can just refer to the illustrations for a quick reference.

Many of the TerryGami items can also be glued with fabric glue.  If the children cannot manage to sew yet, you may want to go this route.   Apply the glue with a cotton swab to avoid a glob of glue spewing out from the spout and ruining the critter.  Be sure the critter or ornament is assembled right first before it is glued because there are no second chances with glue.  If sewing the item, the stitches can always be ripped out and sewn again. 

Another thing to watch when gluing is not to get any of the glue on other parts of the terrycloth because it won’t come off easily, but you can try to wash it off.  Another option is to sew some of the critter and glue some of the critter.  This way the children learn how to do it both ways.  It may even help in a pinch, if you are running out of time finish the project by gluing it.  Sewing can take some time, especially if a lot of sewing is involved.  Plan a head if this might be the case, when using TerryGami in a party or group situation where there may be a time crunch.

If you don't know what a Boo Boo Bunny is, check out for free instructions.

The Firecracker Party Favor Box Instructions and the Heart Favor Box Instructions are now available on Etsy.

The book is available at:

Happy Crafting with Terrycloth!


Monday, June 27, 2011

Washcloth Crafts, Firecracker Instructions Now for Sale on Etsy

TerryGami, 15 Cloth Toy and Ornament Projects for Crafters, Teachers, and Children
TerryGami 4th of July  Firecracker Party Favor Box

           TerryGami New Year's Day Firecracker Party Favor Box

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Washcloth Crafts, TerryGami

TerryGami, 15 Cloth Toy and Ornament Projects for Crafters, Teachers, and Children

TerryGami Party Popper Favor Box

TerryGami Firecracker Party Favor Box

The book is now available in soft cover!

Welcome to washcloth crafts!

A couple of weeks ago I panicked because I wondered where in the world had all of the washcloths gone?!  Not long ago, there were a lot of colorful washcloths to choose from, but it had appeared as though the well had gone dry in that department.  I know there wasn't a problem selling them, because the supply constantly dwindled off the shelves. 

I started to hope Amazon would  pick up the slack and start providing the 18 packs online.  They had sold the 18 packs before; surely would do again.  Indeed, this would be a handy thing because then crafters could get the color they needed without worry, especially if there was a special project that requires a certain color. Fortunately, a few weeks later the cloths turned up again, but I had to ask where they were located. For some reason the store had placed them on an end cap near the linens in housewares, but not close enough so they could be found easily.  The packages had some colors, but mostly white cloths in them, which is okay, especially if you are making the firecrackers and party poppers for 4th of July party favors.

Many of the TerryGami animals, (not all) will require three cloths, or at least, two. Of course, there are several other items that require only one washcloth. In the 18 packages of cloths, the colors have been grouped in threes, which works out pretty well. The most difficult colors to find are Christmas red, gray and black. So, if you see these colors, snatch them up for Halloween and Christmas ornaments.

If you are making the critter for a baby, you may want a softer cloth.  If the baby is teething, the rougher utility cloth might be better.  Always wash the cloth first and embroider on the eyes and nose, when making a critter for a baby.  Also, make sure the rubber bands are not exposed.  Remember, you can always use string or yarn, instead of rubber bands. 

I like to use the rubber bands, but I do have not-so-great memories of my father and brother shooting rubber bands and my sister and me when we were kids.  All in good fun, of course, ha, ha, ha -- but, boy, did those rubber bands sting!  Rubber bands now come packaged in colorful balls, which often match the washcloths.  They make quick work, when making a critter, because you don't have to stop and tie them off like string or yarn. The use of either requires dexterity, so you may want to experiment, especially if you are using TerryGami for occupational therapy.

I digress. The white cloths can always be found online, sometimes in packs of 25 per package.  For TerryGami critters and ornaments, look for thin, borderless washcloths or utility cloths.  If they are too thin, the critters can be stuffed with batting.  Ones with medium thickness do pretty well.  The thicker cloths will make the critter a bit chunky, but then, it may look okay just the same, but there will not be much you can do to improve the look of it, if it is too thick.  There are so many borderless washcloths available now, there should be no problem finding them.  A cloth with medium thickness is perfect for making the Turkey.

As I mentioned before, cloth sizes 12" x 12",  11" x 11", 12"x 11" and 10" x 10" shouldn't make any difference in the project.  The ten-inch square ones will make the item a little smaller, which maybe good, especially if the item is to be a holiday ornament for a tree, and it is the perfect size for the Easter Egg. The 11" x 11" or 12" x 12" is a good size for an animal or doll.  I rarely worry about the size of the cloth. Often times, the cloth can be cut down to the desired size.

Blunt-end needles, including plastic needles, darning needles, plastic canvas needles, and yarn needles all work well when sewing with terrycloth washcloths due to the open weave of the cloth. This makes terrycloth great material to use when teaching kids to sew.

Yesterday, I went shopping, expecting to see packages of red, white, and blue washcloths on the department store shelves.  Well, not really, but that was on my wish list.  However, there were white and blue cloths in the package, so at least that's a start.  Soon, very soon, I hope to see the shelves bursting with every color imaginable -- all of the time! 

Happy Crafting!


Saturday, June 18, 2011

Washcloth Crafts, Crafters -- Are you thinking about Fall?

TerryGami Bat
TerryGami Pumpkin
TerryGami Turkey

The book is available at:


Welcome to washcloth crafts!

Is anyone out there thinking about making Halloween and Thanksgiving crafts yet?  It's time to start making them now, rather than wait for the hustle and bustle of the holidays!  

Just a few hints:  Add a foam board or felt face to the Pumpkin and you have a Jack-O'-Lantern. Also, the stem can be wrapped in yarn or covered by a piece of brown terrycloth. 

For the Turkey, use a little thicker washcloth, if you can, or just add an extra cloth to the tail feathers for a nice display.

Happy Crafting!


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

TerryGami, 15 Cloth Toy and Ornament Projects for Crafters, Teachers, and Children
The book is available at:

Check this out from "Craft Magazine":  How to make a Storage Garland for Softies.  This would be perfect for the TerryGami critters, both holiday and otherwise.  The garland can even be made out of terrycloth, and the kids could make it themselves.  Perhaps instead of strips of washcloths, strips of cheap, thin, colorful towels could be used to make the work go faster.

Colorful, plastic clothespins could be used or the kids could paint the wooden ones to match the color of their rooms.  This could make the whole summer fun -- make TerryGami critters and a terrycloth garland to hang them on.  One thing though, for the critters, I would put a loop of  yarn, ribbon or string in the top of the head, rather than make a clothespin dent in their heads. If you hang them by an ear, they may end up with a cauliflower ear!  Tie the yarn off in a knot as you would if you were making a hanger to hang on a tree. The loop wouldn't need very be large.  There could also be Halloween garlands (make black, orange, yellow and purple bats) and Christmas garlands.

I'll get crackin' on the second book so there will be animals and other kinds of washcloth critters to choose from.

Happy Crafting!


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Washcloth Crafts, Boys Need to Learn to Sew Too

TerryGami, 15 Cloth Toy and Ornament Projects for Crafters, Teachers, and Children
The book is now available in soft cover!!
The Book is available at:

Teaching boys the basics of sewing will serve them well throughout their lives.  At some point, they will need to know how to repair a hem on a pair of pants or how to sew on a button on a shirt.  TerryGami is a great way to start because all kids love stuffed animals.  Just imagine being able to create your own!  TerryGami also teaches them how to make a toy in a pinch with a washcloth and a piece of string, which might come in handy someday when they need to entertain a crying child.

I was worried that kids would not want to be bothered with stuffing the critters, but the opposite was true.  They loved it!  I was surprised to see just how fat the TerryGami Snowman could get, which is okay, because then more stitching is involved, and it is good practice.

If boys can learn to cook, why can't they learn to sew?  TerryGami may help some earn a sewing or entrepreneur merit badge for Boy Scouts or Cub Scouts, too.

Happy Crafting!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Washcloth Crafts, Boo Boo Bunny Instructions - Free

      Boo Boo Bunnies

The book is now available in soft cover!!
The TerryGami Book is available at:
Welcome to washcloth crafts!
I know bunnies have nothing to do with the 4th of July, except that they probably fed many hungry soldiers, but, if your children are young, why not make red, white, and blue Boo Boo Bunnies to celebrate Independence Day?  The instructions are free on the TerryGami website.  Red, white, and blue ribbon is available at discount department stores and craft stores.  You can use stars for the eyes, too.

Remember, 2011 is the year of the Rabbit! 

Happy Crafting!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Washcloth crafts, Independence Day Party Favors

TerryGami, 15 Cloth Toys and Ornament Projects for Crafters, Teachers, and Children
TerryGami Party Popper Favor Boxes
TerryGami Firecracker Favor Box

Available at:

Welcome to washcloth crafts!
Don't forget about the TerryGami Party Popper Favor Boxes and the TerryGami Firecracker Favor Box for your Independence Day party!  Instructions for both are in the TerryGami book.

Happy Crafting!


Washcloth Crafts, Dyeing Terrycloth Washcloths

TerryGami Bat

TerryGami, 15 Cloth Toy and Ornament Projects for Crafters, Teachers, and Children
Now available in soft cover!

Welcome to washcloth crafts!
Can’t find that perfect color washcloth for your critter or holiday icon?  Companies can and have made these beautiful colors in the past; they just are not available all of the time.  However, black washcloths sold in bulk are another story. I have never found them!

When I started this endeavor, I couldn’t never find red or black.  Then one day, I found red.  I was so thrilled bought two packages of 18 cloths.  I thought, now they will be available all of the time.  Unfortunately, that didn’t come to pass. However, when in a pinch, the alternative is to dye them.

What dye to use when dyeing terrycloth? The Internet tells me that Procion MX, the dye used in tie-dyeing, is best to use on natural fibers and terrycloth, which is made of cotton.  You can find it online and in art supply stores, and it is reasonably priced.  It is also suggested to wash the terrycloth first without using fabric softener and with a little vinegar to strip the starch or any coating from the fabric, so it will absorb the dye better.  This Procion dye is said to be “safe, brilliant, mouth-watering and permanent.”  What more can we ask for?!

My only concern is, can a white washcloth be dyed black without it looking gray, or a red cloth, pink? When I used Rit dye, I had some success dyeing olive green cloths black, but I needed to dye them twice.  Of course, regular black washcloths can be found, but for the bats, you will need the thin cloths, and you will want to buy them in the bulk packages found in discount department stores, if you are planning to use them as party favors. Washcloths can be expensive, if you don't buy them in bulk, especially when you need to buy a lot of them, and they may be too thick for the bats.  Sometimes the thicker cloths work well, especially for critters like the TerryGami Turkey, but, for the most part, the thinner cloths are a bit better.  If the critters turn out too thin, you can always stuff the them with quilt batting.

I hope the washcloth companies start to supply us with every color (and black and red especially) on a regular basis.  Dyeing the cloths can be a bit of a chore, but I have to admit, I was thrilled when the black cloths finally turned out perfectly.  Oh, the possibilities for crows, black cats, and witches’ hats!

Happy Crafting!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Washcloth Crafts, When the kids drive you batty, make bats!

TerryGami Bat
TerryGami, 15 Cloth Toy and Ornament Projects for Crafters, Teachers, and Children

Available at:

 The book is now available in soft cover!!
Welcome to washcloth crafts! 
Don't let summer with the kids drive you batty! Start your Halloween decorations now. If you can't find thin, black washcloths, make orange, purple and yellow bats. Kids love the bright colors. Use glittered foam board for the eyes, nose and fangs.  To hang on a tree, thread silver or gold lame or string or yarn through the top of the head between the ears to make a loop. 
Happy Crafting!

Firecracker Stripes and New Hobby Store

TerryGami Firecracker Party Favor for the 4th of July

Available at:

Just a tip:  If you use sequins instead of foam board for the stars, it will be a bit cheaper, especially if you are making a lot of firecrackers.  The stripes are 1/2- inch wide. Be sure to use fabric glue to secure them.
 A huge new hobby store just opened in our town.  WOW!  It had glitter foam board letters in black and white and glitter felt letters, which I didn't even know existed.  Also, they had print felt squares.  I didn't have time to explore, but OMG, I was astounded by the size!

Happy Crafting!


Thursday, June 9, 2011

Organizing Craft Supplies

Available at:

Organizing supplies and materials can become problematic, no matter what the craft. I guess that’s why there are so many articles and books on the subject.  It has never been my strong suit, but I have read the books and tried to reform and transform myself, but really to no avail.  If you are looking for a solution here, I am afraid I don’t have one; at least not yet.

I have already tried the plastic container solution.  I hope someone will eventually think outside of the container on this one, because the items I always want seem to end up at the bottom.  By the time I paw through them, the box is a mess!  Dresser drawers are a little bit better because they are shallow.

I tell you this because, with Terrygami, you may one day find that you have accumulated stacks of washcloths or utility cloths because you can’t resist the beautiful colors and you know you will need them one day. Of course, I am really talking about myself here.  I have been collecting a variety of colors and sizes for years. I squeal with delight (well, sort of) when I discover that I have in my stash the perfect color for the prototype I want to make. 

Of course, the beauty of having too many washcloths is you can always use them to dust the furniture or to wash the dishes, the car, or yourself.  One of the things I do is to weed out the dull colors and the faded colors and give them up to other uses.  I keep the bright, vibrant, and vivid colors for TerryGami.  There is always a whiter white or a brighter, richer yellow, blue or green.  Put the colors that don’t quite measure up in the dishcloth drawer, in the linen closet or in the rag bag. 

One thing I can say with certainty about crafters, we are always looking for the ultimate organizing system and we will never give up.  I am pretty sure the perfect one is just around the corner.  One day soon, I am sure, someone will analyze each craft individually and come up with the ultimate, multi-drawer/closet wall unit for each craft and we will all squeal with delight (well, sort of).  It will be reasonably priced and we will all be able to afford it.  Oh, come on!  If we can put a man on the moon, surely someone can figure this one out!

Happy Crafting!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Decorating the TerryGami Critters and Ornaments

TerryGami, 15 Cloth Toy and Ornament Projects for Crafters, Teachers, and Children

Available at:

I really like how so many different materials seem to go well with terrycloth and the TerryGami critters.  Foam board (both glittered and not), felt (both glittered and not), acrylic gems, yarn, jingle bells, sequins, feathers, tatting thread, and natural things like seeds, pods and raffia, all work well on the TerryGami critters and holiday ornaments. I have even used gold earrings and beads. 

I have not experimented with paper decorations, but now, thanks to the scrapbook crafts, there are thousands of possibilities to try. And don't forget the foam board letters (both glittered and not), because they allow you to personalize the party favor boxes and gifts. On several items, you can put the first name on with the small letters.  Use initials, if you are using the larger letters.

If you are crafty, you no doubt already have something to decorate the TerryGami critters with in your craft closet.

Oh, and I forgot pom poms, pipe cleaners and googly eyes!

Happy Crafting!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Washcloth vs. Utility Cloths

TerryGami, 15 Cloth Toy and Ornament Projects for Crafters, Teachers, and Children
Should  you use washcloths or utility cloths with TerryGami?  The answer is; it doesn’t matter.  Of course, the ones sold in bulk labeled “washcloths” are softer and maybe a bit thicker.  The utility cloths are a bit rougher, but it makes no difference to the project.

Should you use 12” x 12” or 12” x 11” or 11” x 11” or 10” x 10” cloths?  The answer is; it shouldn’t matter.  Some critters or ornaments will work better with 10-inch square cloths, like the Easter Egg.  The design may call for some small adjustment.  For example, you may need to move a rubber band up or down a bit for the pattern to turn out right.

Should you sew or glue the project?  I have to recommend sewing the project because, if it doesn’t turn out just right the first time, you can always tear out the stitches and begin again.  Once you have the knack of making a critter or ornament, then you can glue the project with more confidence, but I think sewing the project makes for a nicer, softer ornament or critter. 

There are projects that require a lot of sewing and some projects require barely any sewing at all.  Some of the projects will require a bit more shaping and molding, than others. 

Unfortunately, it appears that they have reduced the size of the package from 18 cloths per package, to 9 cloths per package, while leaving the price nearly the same.   However, the utility cloths in the package appear to be a better quality.  The company also seems to be packaging them one color per package.  I haven’t decided if that is good or bad yet. I picked up a package of light blue and light green today.  The green will be nice for the tortoise, which will be in the upcoming book.

I am selling TerriGami instructions on Esty, too. Look for new projects on the site throughout the month of June.

Happy Crafting!


TerryGami Washcloth Craft on Etsy!

I know how it is when there is only one set of instructions you want from a craft book or magazine.  You don't want to have to buy the whole book, so look for TerryGami Instructions on Etsy.  I will be selling the instructions separately, too.  Look for more instructions throughout the month of June, as I set up shop.  Buy the Heart Box Instructions for $5.50.


Monday, June 6, 2011

Advent Calendar Using TerryGami Heart Boxes

The Book is available at: 
Barnes and Noble
Buy the Heart Box Instructions separately at Etsy
TerryGami Site

I have started to sell TerryGami Instructions on Esty.  The Heart Box Instructions are $5.50. I will be posting more selections through out the month of June.

For most, it is a little early to think about Christmas, but not for those in the craft business.   Crafty moms, too, may want to start thinking about the holidays. 

This idea is for moms who may be looking for a new idea for an advent calendar for Christmas.  Make 25 heart boxes to hang on your Christmas tree.  Glue foam board numbers 1-25 (or felt or paper numbers) on the back of each heart box. Hang the hearts with the back facing outwards, and then each day the children can turn the heart forward and check inside for a treat.

If the treat is too big for the heart box, just put a note inside telling the kids where to find their treat. The treat can be something to do together, like play a board game or invite a friend or cousin over to play or to make cookies.  Type the treat list double spaced on the computer, print it out, and then cut them out. You may then want to make another copy of the list with numbers beside them for yourself so you can see if you are up doing the activity that day (go to “Select All “ and then to “Insert” and scroll down to “Page Numbers”). This way, you can always change the treat before they open, if need be.

The heart boxes go together easily, and you can enlist your children to make them or help you make them.  The heart box can easily be made into an ornament, just sew a loop of string or yarn or gold or silver lamĂ© through the top.

Everyone will have their own idea of how to dazzle it.  I use a heart gem at the top, but it can be a 1/4- inch or 1/2-inch, white glitter foam board heart or snowflake, if the heart is red or green.  This would be less expensive than gems, especially when making 25 heart boxes.  Also, you can make the heart boxes white, and then decorate them with green and red.  To dazzle them even more, dust them with fine white, silver or gold glitter. Sequins would be cheaper to use, too.  You may decide to decorate the entire box. 

This can be a fun summer or “Christmas in July” project that you can tuck away for December 1st. It should be fun to pull it out, along with the Christmas decorations.  Just remember, you do need to start December 1st, so get that tree up early!

Happy Crafting!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Selling TerryGami Critters and Holiday Icons

Available at:
Barnes and Noble

Dear Crafters,
Some of you may want to make TerryGami items to sell on Etsy or at craft fairs.  I do need to be given credit as the designer. Put this on any pattern made from the book:
"This is an original design by T. C. Crowley from her book TerryGami 2011."

If the item is going to be sold online, like on Etsy, or from a blog, the above info needs to be in the description of the item. If you can show the cover of the book, please do.

I want crafters to be able to sell TerryGami items, but I need to sell the book, too! You may want to consider making at least a dozen of a particular item so parents can buy them as favors for kids' parties.  Take care to make sure all of the items are made from non-toxic and non-flammable materials. Be sure the small decorations are glued on securely, which can only be done with a safe fabric glue.  Safety first!

Of course, this does not apply to the Boo Boo Bunny, which is not my design and is not in my book, but my instructions are online on the TerryGami website for free.  The Sewing Kit is my design. 

Happy crafting!



Friday, June 3, 2011

Sewing Needles for TerryGami Washcloth Crafts

TerryGami, 15 Cloth Toy and Ornament Projects for Crafters, Teachers and Children
Available at:
Barnes and Noble 

I want to mention that there are a variety of sewing needles that can be used on the TerryGami critters and ornaments. Blunt-end needles, like yarn needles and darning needles, work well with the open weave of terrycloth.  Kids can thread these needles easily and no one needs to worry about pin pricks. Even plastic needles work well. I will post more types of needles in an upcoming blog.

Even adults may want to use these needles because why fight a tiny eye when you can use a wide-eyed needle?  I personally like to use a darning needle.  However, if an item calls for a felt hat or shoes, of course,  you will need to use a regular needle.

Chat at you later!

Washcloth Crafts, Using a Fabric Adhesive on TerryGami Critters and Favors

Washcloth Firecracker Party Favor Box

TerryGami, 15 Cloth Toy and Ornament Projects for Crafters, Teachers, and Children
The book is now available online in soft cover!

Barnes and Noble


Washcloth Crafts!
I have been toying with the idea of using fabric adhesive to prevent fraying, when making critters or decorating the TerryGami favors.  For example, the stripes on the Firecracker could be strips of terrycloth, instead of felt.  The Firecracker may have a bit of an arty flair, if you just let the stripes fray, but if you would prefer that the stripes didn’t fray, you may want to use a fabric adhesive.  Beware, though, fabric adhesives can be both toxic and flammable in liquid form.   So I would say, using it around children should be avoided.  However, one company says that once the fabric adhesive for fraying is dried, it is non-toxic and non-flammable. There are also fabric glues that are both non-toxic and non-flammable  Apply it with a cotton swab or tooth picks. So, if you want to use it on the fabric, make sure it is dry before you give the item to children. I would still not give the item to babies or toddlers who put things in their mouths, just to be on the safe side. 

 If you make the terrycloth stripes for the Firecracker, cut the strips 1 inch or 3/4th of an inch wide, and then fold the edges over.  Use fabric adhesive instead of sewing edges down.  You may want to do this especially if you have a lot of Firecracker Party Favor Boxes to make.

Also, craft stores have glitter foam board letters, if you want to put names or initials on the favor boxes.  So, if you are using the glitter foam board red, white and blue stars, you may be able to find letters to match.  You can also cut the stars and stripes out of felt.  There are glitter felt squares now, too!

Happy Crafting!