Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Washcloth Crafts, TerryGami Scout Bear Instructions are Now on Etsy!

      The Scout Bear can be any color!
Instructions are free to Scout Troop Leaders for a limited time.
E-mail me at

For all others, the instructions are on sale for $1 for a limited time. 
See the Etsy link below.
Boo Boo Angels, Tooth Fairies, Heart Box,
Firecracker Favors, Gathering Basket, Graduation Owl, and Bat
New! Scout Bear Instructions are now on Etsy, too! 
Welcome to Washcloth Crafts! 
TerryGami is the softer side of origami!

 The Girl Scout organization in the United States is officially 100 years old! Congratulations! 

In honor of their centennial, I have created a little green, one cloth bear I call the Scout Bear. I made this particular bear in green because green is the Girl Scouts’ color, but also because the Girl Scouts promote going green.  

Scout Bear Instructions are free to any scout troop leader until the end of December. They will be sent via PDF file. Just send your request to me at  For anyone else who may be interested, the instructions are on sale at the TerryGami Etsy shop for a $1 for a limited time.

This bear can be used as a troop activity because it is easy to make and has many uses. It can be a tree ornament, a sachet, a toy, and it can function as a boo boo bear to soothe a child’s boo boo. It can be used as a party favor on its own and it can hold a few extra treats like wrapped candy, small trinkets, or cash in its' tummy.

Thin, borderless washcloths or utility cloths sold in packages of 9 or 18 can be found at Walmart.  Walmart sells all green, all blue, and all tan packages of 9 cloths for about $3, which can be found in the dishcloth and washcloth section. Other colors in packages of 18 are usually sold along with seasonal items. New this year in the 18 packs are Christmas colors! A wonderful kelly green cloth is available. Perfect for the Girl Scouts!

Instead of ribbon, yarn, twine and a felt strip can be used if you want a scarf or bow around the neck, but need to save on cost. Now yarn with a little glitz is available, if you still want to jazz the bear up a bit.  \

Tapestry needles sold in bulk (packages of 6) can be purchased online at Anita’s Little Stitches for a reasonable price.  

See the TerryGami website for more tips and ideas and for free instructions on how to make a washcloth sewing kit.

Again, congratulations to the Girl Scouts for 100 years of service!

Happy Crafting!
Books are sold on Amazon and Barnes and Noble!
See the links above.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Wascloth Crafts, Bat Instructions are now available on Etsy!

TerryGami Bat Instructions now on Etsy!

TerryGami, 15 Cloth Toy and Ornament Projects for Crafters, Teachers, and Children
A TerryGami bat with raised wings made with a thicker cloth.

Boo Boo Angels, Tooth Fairies, Heart Box,
Firecracker Favors, Gathering Basket, Graduation Owl
New!  Bat Instructions are now on Etsy, too! 
Welcome to Washcloth Crafts! 
TerryGami is the softer side of origami!

The TerryGami Bat Instructions are now available on Etsy! 

Bats can be any color. What if you can’t find that perfect color washcloth for your critter or holiday icon?  Companies can and have made these beautiful colors in the past; they just are not available all of the time.  However, black washcloths sold in bulk are another story. I have never found them, so dye them! Remember, kids love color, so don't be surprised if they are happy with orange, pink, yellow, or blue bats.

What dye to use when dyeing terrycloth? The Internet tells me that Procion MX, the dye used in tie-dyeing, is best to use on natural fibers and terrycloth, which is made of cotton.  You can find it online and in art supply stores, and it is reasonably priced.  It is also suggested to wash the terrycloth first without using fabric softener and with a little vinegar to strip the starch or any coating from the fabric, so it will absorb the dye better.  This Procion dye is said to be “safe, brilliant, mouth-watering and permanent.”  What more can we ask for?!

My only concern is, can a white washcloth be dyed black without it looking gray, or a red cloth, pink? When I used Rit dye, I had some success dyeing olive green cloths black, but I needed to dye them twice.  Of course, regular black washcloths can be found, but for the bats, you will need the thin cloths, and you will want to buy them in the bulk packages found in discount department stores like WallMart, especially if you are planning to use them as party favors.

Washcloths can be expensive, unless you buy them in bulk.  Many cloths may be too thick for the bats.  Sometimes the thicker cloths work better, for example, when making the TerryGami Turkey, but, for the most part, the thinner cloths are a bit better.  If the critters turn out too thin, you can always stuff the them with quilt batting. Always buy border-less washcloths.

I hope the washcloth companies start to supply us with every color (and black and red especially) on a regular basis.  Dyeing the cloths can be a bit of a chore, but I have to admit, I was thrilled when the black cloths finally turned out perfectly.  Oh, the possibilities for crows, black cats, and witches’ hats!

Happy Crafting!